2. Some suicide happens during or after coming out a mania or depressive episode; and this happens when the patient is feeling a lot better

3. 25 to 50 percent of bipolar patients attempts suicide at least once

4. One out of five bipolar patients commits suicide

5. Patients who misuse drugs and alcohol are at a greater suicide risk

If a bipolar patient has suicidal tendencies, his condition requires control of the symptoms. Suicidal thoughts are not really 'you' as a person, but can be associated with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This is a sign which means that you need professional attention. The thoughts will not go away alone, what you need is a proper treatment and/or medication.

As part of a treatment regimen, you need to build your own support network. You have to use your available resources to get a good start. Your support foundation can consist of family members, friends, therapists, doctor, and members of the community (local or national). You're at the community's center and acts as a driving force. You can build or maintain this community with the support of the people around you.

Your support group knows your feelings and thoughts. These people have encountered and struggled with the same problems. People with the same disorder can give you practical advice and support. They will teach you coping skills, how to open up, and understand your situation completely. You can also arrange for a meeting with fellow bipolar patients.

You must remember that treatments and medications are greatly needed in your condition. And to make things a lot better, finding a support group can help you in living a normal life. Don’t sulk in your home. There are a lot of people out there who cares about you. All you have to do is to reach out to them, make them feel that you're exerting an effort to make things a lot better for you, your family, and the community as a whole.

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