Advertise to millions -#1- Write articles


This is a series of articles about marketing and advertising. There are different ways you can reach an audience of millions of individuals all around the world. I show you on this series how to implement profitable strategies in your marketing career.

It has been said that “what matters is not what you sell but how you promote it.” So, the secret to success lays within your marketing techniques. That’s why it is very important for business owners to develop skills which allow them to increase the sales of their products.

One of the most important skills you must have is the ability to reach a lot of people quickly. To do this you need to realize how powerful media is an how it can drastically increase your revenues.

– Write Articles –

Writing articles is one of the easiest and most effective methods used to advertise on the Internet today. This technique works as follows... You need to write a short one page or one and a half page article and submit it to article banks. Then web masters and online publishers will copy it and paste it on their web sites, newsletters, e-zines, etc.

At the bottom of each article you will attach a small biography about yourself which is called the author’s resource box. That will be your ad containing your contact info, which could be your name, phone number, e-mail address or web site URL.

Why and how does it work? It works because web masters, affiliates, online marketers and publishers need valuable content to attract visitors to their web sites. Then they go to article banks and borrow free content (the articles) from people like you who provide said content for free.

That way they profit from your efforts and you profit from theirs because when their visitors go to their web sites and read your article many of them will contact you when they read your ad at the bottom. So publishers get free content while you get free publicity. The middle guys are the article banks which also benefit from this activity. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Now, I will explain how this technique can increase your exposure exponentially. Some of the web sites bellow have as many as 15,000 publishers per site. So let’s say that you submit to 10 sites and on average 500 publishers per site are interested in your article within approximately one month.

If that’s the case (which is probable), then your article will be published on about 5,000 different web sites (500 publishers × 10 article banks = 5,000 web pages). Do you understand what it means to have thousands of pages linking to you?

Let’s say that those 5,000 web sites receive on average 1000 visitors per month each. That would be 5,000,000 potential prospects that can now come across your products or services each and every month. To be realistic though, not all of the visitors will find your articles. Not all of the publishers will publish what you write. And this process doesn’t happen overnight. It takes some time.

On the other hand, this is one of the best methods if not the best one you can use to increase your exposure on the Internet. It is free, easy and doesn’t consume too much time. Ask any Online Marketing Guru and you will find out that they will have a similar opinion.

If you write a few articles and submit them to 10 of the best e-zines, you could be receiving thousands of new visitors per month within a few months. Keep in mind that the more you write and submit the more visitors you will receive. If you write just one article and submit it to one web site only, it won’t bring you many clients.

This is a numbers game. It is a Mathematical thing. I really like this technique because it makes my publicity grow exponentially. You make an effort once and it multiplies for many years into the future. You place your articles on a few web sites and they stay there forever.

New publishers find them every month. So it grows exponentially. It reproduces itself like a virus. This is what it is called viral marketing and it really works. You might need to have some patience because it may take some time before you start reaping the rewards from this activity, but it is really worth it! If you do this your articles will work for you as your sale agents announcing your products and services to the world.

For example, I wrote once three articles and submitted them to Three days later I checked them out on that web site to see how they were doing. I was amazed to discover that one of the articles had been downloaded by 100 people already. How come? I had submitted it there only three days before.

That’s for you to have an idea how many people out there are desperately seeking fresh new content for their web sites. The other two had been downloaded about 40 to 50 times. Two weeks later my best performing article had been downloaded 197 times. Could you believe it? Try it an see the results for yourself.

This will definitely increase your exposure because you don’t only receive new visitors from the publishers’ web sites but also your search engine rankings increase, which makes you receive more potential clients from search engines too.

If you don’t like to write then you can hire a ghost writer and have him/her write the articles for you. Go to and post a project on that web site. Freelancers will bid on your project and you will be able to choose the one that will work for you. One page articles may cost you from $10 to $20 each and can bring you many benefits as stated above.

You can submit your articles to thousands of free article banks, but submitting them to about 15 or 20 will be OK. I think you should not skip the most popular ones, those with several thousands publishers like,, Just make sure you read the authors’ bylines first.

If you don’t want to do this manually you can join They claim to have a list of more than 12,000 publishers to which they submit your articles to periodically. The drawback of this technique is that they charge a fee, while the web sites mentioned above are free to join.

As you can see, this technique can increase your exposure and help you get more clients. You can read about other effective marketing techniques from my other articles on this series.

EasyWebRiches © 2006

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