How Enhanced Sex Lives Can Lead To Healthy Marriages


Sexuality is one of the key factors of having a healthy marriage it not just about satisfying each others libido, it is about effective communication and intimacy. Studies show that frequent sex between married couples lowers feelings of insecurity and increases the level of commitment. The whole process deepens their physical intimacy and strengthens their bond of love.


sexual health, relaxation, stress and anxiety

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A number of couples restrict themselves from talking about sexuality and their sex lives. Some are shy while others are reluctant to open up with their respective partners. This approach to sexuality can lead to ruined marriages. Sexuality is one of the key factors in having a healthy marriage. Sex is not just about satisfying each other's libido or sexual desires. More than that, it is about effective communication and intimacy. Both partners should look forward to an entirely satisfying sex life along with the emotional connection that it entails. According to many health and marriage experts, it is normal for couples to encounter difficulties in their sexual relationship. Some of the common problems couples may encounter are boredom, lack of intimacy, low sexual desires, and lack of passion in sex. Another cause may be the failure of one partner to perform according to the expectations of the other party.

Some wives claim that they often feel rejected when their husbands lack intimacy. Some of these sexual problems take a toll on the emotional and physical condition of people. There are people who gained weight and lost their self-esteem in part due to poor sexual lives. On the contrary, people who reportedly had active sex lives had become happier and closer to their partners. Robert Holden, a doctor who specializes on emotional health, says that sexual intercourse is not just an act of lust, but a form of communication and intimacy. He said that, “ of the big mistakes we make in relationships is that we don't give our best energy to the people that matter most. And I think that people should make time to be able to give some of your best energy to each other.”

But what if one of the parties involved, particularly the men, fail to perform? Specialists advise men who have difficulty in their sexual performance to check and improve their lifestyle. Health experts believe that one's lifestyle— including food intake, daily work and domestic routines, and level of physical fitness all play a role to determine a person's sexual health. They also believe that alcohol should be taken moderately since it is one of the major causes of sexual problems including impotence (erectile dysfunction) and premature ejaculation. A study on 17,000 alcoholic men revealed that after several years of zero alcohol intake, at least 50 percent of the respondents regained their normal erectile functions while the other 50% partially or completely achieved erection.

High blood pressure is also a major cause of erectile dysfunction. A study published in the Journal of Urology in 2000 showed that 68% of men with high blood pressure aged 40-79 experienced erectile dysfunction at one time or another. At least 45% of these cases were considered severe erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction occurs because high blood pressure keeps the arteries that carry blood to the penis to dilate. This causes the smooth muscles in the penis to reduce its ability to relax, leading to inadequate blood flow to the penis that hinders the erection of the penis. In addition, high blood pressure in men may lead to low testosterone level. Testosterone is the male hormone that plays a crucial role in the male sexual arousal. Cigarette smoking and consumption of fatty foods are the leading causes of high cholesterol, which leads to high blood pressure.

Health specialists advise individuals to exercise and undergo other physical activities. These activities however should be done moderately to avoid over-training. Clinical studies show that proper exercise may enable the body to produce more testosterone. Additionally, a substance called endorphin is produced when people exercise. These endorphins gives periods of relaxation and bliss and relieve people who exercise of the stress and anxiety that they experience.

Over-training, however, is one factor that is considered to contribute to sterility. An investigation by health experts revealed that over-training causes fatigue, which then temporarily reduces sperm count and affects its quality. Specialists say that this happens because the body literally “kills” itself during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to recuperate to attain normal cell development. Intense physical activities may reduce the level of hormones in the bloodstream that affects sperm production. Medical experts believe that sperm levels return to nearly normal after about three days. They added that drinking coffee after a few hours of training may protect sperm quality because of the antioxidants that are found in caffeine.

Studies show that frequent sex between married couples lowers feelings of insecurity and increases the level of commitment. The whole process deepens their physical intimacy and strengthens their bond of love. Understanding sex between married partners may lead to improved and fruitful marriages. Openness, willingness to experiment, and mutual trust should be the cornerstones of a healthy, active sex life between married couples. After all, love is supposed to be fun and exciting!

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