The morning after pill is better known as an emergency contraceptive pill or ECP. This must be taken 120 hours after unprotected vaginal intercourse. Its side effects are similar to that of conventional pills but if you happen to vomit within an hour of ingesting the pill, it is advised that you call a doctor. Another thing to keep in mind is that this should not be used as a regular birth control pill.

The patch is another and this is applied to the skin. One patch is good for a week and this has to be placed for three consecutive weeks and can be placed anywhere in the body. On the fourth week, the female doesn’t have to stick anything so she can normally go through her monthly menstrual cycle. Side effects include application site reaction, breast symptoms, headaches, mood swings and vomiting.

Injectables are injected into the body every three months. The sides effects include irregular periods, weight gain and vomiting. Something similar to that are implants and those who use it may experience irregular bleeding, headaches, nausea, depression, dizziness, nervousness, weight gain or loss and hair loss.

Majority of the birth control methods around have side effects. If you don’t want to experience any, perhaps not having sex at all is the answer to your problems.

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