Tips For CD Duplication Side Business

The process of CD duplication has arrived in a very

big way. Teenagers these days are using their CD

burners to rip MP3s from their favorite artists and

bands. Companies choose to use CD duplication to

make backups of their software and important


Federal agencies on the other hand, are scrambling

to define and interpret intellectual piracy and

copyright laws as they relate to CD duplication and

the industry of music as a whole. The movie industry

is also seeking how they can profit from using CD

duplication. With so much attention being focused

on CD duplication, now is the ideal time to turn

your home CD duplication hardware into a very

profitable side business.

Believe it or not, you may already have everything

you need to get your CD duplication process going

in the right direction. All you need to get your

business started is a computer, CD burner, CD

duplication software, and a few blank CD-R disks.

Contrary to what you may think, its that easy to

get going.

If you don't have a computer or a CD burner, you

really shouldn't worry, as purchasing a CD duplication

device is actually very affordable. The cost of

stand alone CD duplication software has reduced

quite a bit over the years.

Almost all home computers come with internal CD

duplication hardware (CD burners) and some sort

of duplication software as well. CD duplication

media, such as blank CD-R and CD-RW are very

low in price and can be purchased at almost all

retail stores.

The market for your CD duplication service or

company is going to local bands and musicians as

well as small businesses. Local up and coming

bands are often too busy perfecting their sound

to deal with the tedious and time consuming task

of duplicating CDs for their gigs. They also lack

the money to order CDs from the big time CD

duplication companies as well.

The smaller businesses are pretty much the same, as

they are almost always unable to financially

justify having a technical or computer staff to

handle the backup and data storage aspects of their

company. Many times, they will end up forgoing

needed data backups simply because they forget all

about it.

You can however, solve these common gaps, provide

needed service, and earn some nice side money by

starting your own duplication service that caters

to these types of clients. By offering a reasonable

price, fast rate of delivery, and a quality product,

you'll get many repeat customers and a side

business that will keep busy for as long as you

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