Typical Open Adoption

When it comes to having an open adoption you will find that there are some basic things that you’ll need to keep in mind. First, you have to understand that the biological parents are permitted to have contact with the baby and they are able to have some type of relationship with the child. This doesn’t mean that the child needs to see them or that you have to write to them. This could mean that you send pictures or that they send you things. You’ll want to think of this as an agreement to keep each other updated. You also will find that the paperwork on the parents will still be open for the child, if they want to search for their biological parents.

You’ll be the one that they see the most and also the one that they begin to bond with. Keep in mind that you should talk to the biological parents if you feel uncomfortable with the biological parents calling. You’ll want to keep some of the contact to a minimum or you may want to have an open relationship for your child’s sake.

There are definitely some rules that need to be laid down. You’ll need to talk this out before the adoption and set the rules straight. This will help to deal with some of the stress that may be caused by having this joint relationship. You’ll find that some biological parents will become very upset when pics are late or when they are missing their contact time.

Keep in mind that an open adoption can be as little as giving the biological names to the adoptive parents or as much as having real contact with the family.

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