What Not to Do When Resigning From Your Job

Are you currently unsatisfied with your job or the company in which you work for? If you are, you may have considered changing jobs. If you have thought your decision over and decided that seeking employment elsewhere is best for you, you will need to resign from your current position. Unfortunately, for many individuals this is a lot easier said than done.

If this is the first time that you are attempting to hand in your resignation, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. Perhaps, the best way to go about quitting your job, in the appropriate matter, is to familiarize yourself with what you shouldn’t do. A few of the many steps that you will not want to take, when quitting your job, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the worst things that you can do, when looking to resign from your job, is quitting on impulse. This most commonly occurs after receiving discipline or when a work related conflict arises. No matter how upset or frustrated you are, you will want to try, at all costs, to not quit on the spot. This can not only reflect negatively upon you at the moment, but an impulse resignation may impact your chances of finding employment in the future. That is why you will want to try and give your employers notice, should you wish to seek employment elsewhere.

Speaking of giving your employer an appropriate amount of notice, when looking to change jobs, you are advised to do so in a reasonable amount of time. Most employers expect to receive at least two weeks notice. If you do not have a new job lined up, you may want to extend your notice time or offer to help your employer until they are able to find a replacement or until you are able to find employment elsewhere. It is also important that you submit your resignation in a professional matter. Try and do so in person, with a formal written resignation as well.

Another one of the many things that you do not want to do, when looking to resign from your current position, is bad mouth your bosses to others, including your friends, coworkers, or during future job interviews. You need to make sure that you do not “burn any bridges.” This is extremely important, as you never know when your words or your actions may come back to haunt you. You will want to ensure that your current employer, the one in which you no longer want to work for, is able to give you a glowing recommendation for years to come.

Another one of the many things that you will not want to do is “go out with a bang.” Even if you are quitting your job because you are unhappy with your pay or with your boss or other coworkers, you will want to leave as quietly as possible. You will want to put a happy smile on your face, no matter what your real emotions are. As previously stated, you will want to ensure that you able to use your current employer as a job reference for years to come. You also need to remember that you never know when you may come into contact with your bosses or coworkers in the future.

It is also important that you do not try and mislead your current employer in any way, shape, or form. If you are not planning to quit your job until you have a new one lined up, you will want to proceed with caution. You will want to make sure that your prospective employers will not contact your currently employer asking for a reference. To prevent this from happening, you may want to inform all prospective employers that you have yet to submit your resignation or submit your resignation before you start applying for new jobs.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to submit your resignation without causing any harm to your finances or your good name. In all honesty, all you really need to do is just use your best judgment, as it is usually the best guide to follow.

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