A New Way To Make Money Online

Article Body:

You have seen on email like this email before with a list of 5 to 10 people on a list and you are to pay the paypal Email's $1 the bump the top one off and add your name to the bottom of the list. If you think about it it sounds like a great idea. but there is one problem not everyone is honest they just add their name to the list or even put it at the top and send it off in hopes it will bring in some money.


mymoneylists.com is a collection of lists joined by several people. mymoneylists.com is run website based and you can join any list you want. But in order to add your name to the list you must pay the top listed username or you don't get added. They enforce the play HONESTLY AND FAIRLY rule.

There is absolutely No catch, that was it. mymoneylists.com watches over every list to make sure everything is on the up and up and no one can cheat the system if you don't pay you can't join a list.

It's certainly worth $6.22 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find $6.22 lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.

Note: I'm not saying this is going to make everyone 800 grand but lets say even if 1 person out of 200 tries this program you are still going to make 40,000 dollars anywhere from 1 month to 6 months max!!!!!!

You can also copy this letter and e-mail it to some of your friends and associates just remember to change the ?SL= to you list number. It's a guarantee that some of them will be interested and give it a go. The more they do the more you make in the long run.


1. Go to the resource link at the bottom of this page signup for an account and load funds with paypal

Once the funds are in your account join this list

It's certainly worth $6.22 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars and 22 cents lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.

Current List :

Spot And User

1 . marky5

2 . ladiesMan

3 . hotstuff

4 . sexyDevil

5 . b4y2

2. After joining the mymoneylists.com list they automatically send $5 to top listed username they then removed his/her username from the list and moved everyone else up one spot and add your username to spot 5 or spot 10 depending on how big of a list you joined .After joining the list go to the My Account page and select the my lists link and click on the promotional templates this page is your personal template for your list. Copy it and save it to a file.

3. After completing the instructions take that letter template and go to (Google, Yahoo) and type in (Making Money Message boards, Money Message boards, Money forums, Free money forums or anything along the lines of forums). Now start posting your copy of this message at least 200 times to as many unique message boards as you can, or more. The more times you post this at a unique board, the more money you will make.

You can e-mail your message to as many people you can but remember, the more you post and e-mail the more money you make!

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