With such effectiveness, FDA has approved a bunch of list of birth control pills to act as treatment to acne. It is also recommended that to achieve greater results, the pill must be used in combination with other real meds intended solely for acne. This includes benzoyl peroxide. You can also use topical retinoids for this need.

Because estrogen and progestin make up the pills used for birth control, this medicine will change the common reproductive cycle and patterns of hormones of a female. This suppresses testosterone release within a woman's body. And as an effect, it reduces the oil being produced by the glands called the sebaceous. As a result, acne comes out minimal. And it also lessens the pore blockage.

But do not use oral contraceptives to cure acne if you haven't told your doctors about it. They must test you first for possible side effects. The pill must match your body type. And also, other factors must be taken into account.

If proper check-up will be bypassed, the result can be grave. Other oral contraceptives can worsen your acne problems, especially if it doesn't suit some of your characteristics. So be careful and vigilant. It is your body so it is your responsibility to care for it.

While sometimes, the recommended pill will worsen the acne breakout at first. This is a common happening. Acne is known to accumulate before dwindling down. So it really helps to have a doctor by your side to explain such factors.

You will be hearing a lot about birth control as a cure for acne as years go by. This is part of the boom in the medical field that is being developed through time. But before plunging in and using the pill, consider the effect that it has on one's body. If you are sure that you are ready for some added pounds, then you are also ready to take it.

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