However, you should only give encouragement when it is appropriate. Overdoing this can make your colleague feel that he is being treated like a baby. This can only bring about frustration to them, so avoid it at any cost.

Problem Matters

One thing that you should avoid doing when you’re working with a dyslexic is regarding them as a ‘problem’. They are people too, thus you should treat them as one. A colleague with dyslexia is not an extra baggage to the team. Remember, all of you are employed in the same company. Thus, this means all of you have functions, even if your colleague with dyslexia may seem to have a different kind.

Strengths And Will

As an employer or a superior, you should learn to concentrate on their strengths. Try to see the positive side of the situation. Try your best not to be discouraged about your employee’s weaknesses and difficulties.

Another thing, you shouldn’t force them to do things that are against their will. They know their limitations, and there are times that when they say they can’t do it, then it really means they can’t.

Pushing them too hard would do no good. It is better to scaffold your way into training your employee with dyslexia to do more complicated tasks.


Doing a little tailoring would benefit you and your employee. Try to see your employee or subordinate’s strengths and pinpoint his talents. After doing this, try to find a position or a task in which you think those strengths and talents can be utilized efficiently.

If you do it this way, then it is a win-win situation both for you and your employee. This is because you get to have work done since your employee is productive, even if a disability is present.

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