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BUSINESS CONDITIONS-Research Dept, General Reserve Bank of

Chicago, P.O Box 834 , Chicago, IL 60690

BUSINESS IN BRIEF- Richard W. Everett, Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A,

1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, NY 10015

CONSUMER NEWSLETTER- Norman, Craig & Kummel, Inc., 919 3rd Ave,

New York, NY 10015

SALESMAN OPPORTUNITY- Opportunity Publishing Co, 875 N Michigan

Ave, Suite 1460 Chicago, IL. 60611

SPARE TIME- The Kipen Publishing Corp., 5810 W Oklahoma Ave.,

Milwaukee, WI 53219

SPECIALTY SALESMAN- Specialty Salesman Magazine Inc., 307 N

Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611

MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITES- Success Publishing Co. Inc., 11071

Venturs Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604

MINERAL INDUSTRY SURVEYS- U.S Bureau Of Mines, Washington, DC


WEEKLY STOCK LETTER- Bache $ Co., 100 Gold St., New York, NY


AMERICAN INVESTOR- American stock Exchange, 86 Trinity Pl, New

York, NY 10006

GOOD LIVING- Savings & Loan Publications-, 1755 Northwest Blvd,

Columbus, OH 43212

GOLD BULLETIN- Chamber of Mines, 5 Hollard St, Johannesburg, So.


SILVER INSTITUTE LETTER- Silver Institute Letter, Suite 1138,

1001 Connecticut Ave, Washington, DC 20036

BUYER'S GUIDE TO EXPORT PRODUCTS- American Exporter & Industrail

World, Johnston Publishing, 386 Park Ave, Ny 10016

ECONOMIC REVIEW- Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Box 6387,

Cleveland OH. 44101


Exchange, Box 770, Wall St. Station, New York, NY 10005


395 Monroe Circle S, Des Plaines, IL. 60016

WORLDWIDE MARKETING HORIZONS- Pan American World Airways, 200

Park Ave, New York, NY. 10017

FINANCE FACTS- National Consumer Finance Assoc.,100 16th St, NW,

Washington, DC. 20036

WARD'S BULLETIN- Ward's Natural Science Establish. Inc., Box

1712, Rochester, NY. 14603


York, NY. 10003

GRAPHIC GAZETTE- Champion Printing Co., Box 148, Ross, OH. 45061

RURAL LIVING- Virginia Assoc. of Electric Cooperatives, 205 W

Franklin St., Richmond, VA. 23220

IDAHO WILDLIFE REVIEW- Idaho Fish & Game Dept., 600 S Walnut St.,

Boise, ID. 83707

FRENCH NEWS- Cultural Services of French Embassy, 972 5th Ave.,

New York, NY.

OUTDOORS- Lee Cullimore, Outdoors, Inc., Outdoors Bldg.,

Columbus, MD. 65201

MEMO TO MAILERS- U.S Postal Service, Box 6400, Arlingto,VA. 22206

FRONTIER- Milton E. Nelson, ITT Research Institute, 10 W 35th

St., Chicago, IL. 60616

PRESS CENSORSHIP NEWSLETTER- Reporter's Comittee for Freedom of

the Press, Room 1310, 1750 Pennsylvia Ave, NW., Washington, DC.


CONSERVATION NEWS- National Wildlife Federation, 1412 26th St, NW

Washington, DC. 20036

PLEASURES OF PUBLISHING- Columbia University Press, 562 W. 133th

St.,New York, NY. 10025

AMERICAN YOUTH- Ceco Publishing Co., 17390 W . 8 Mile Rd.,

Southfield, MI. 48975

NATIONAL ECONOMIC TRENDA- Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, Box

442, St Louis, MO. 63166

ATMOSPHERIC TECHNOLOGY- National Center for Atmospheric Research,

Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO. 80302

BRAZILIAN BULLETIN- Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, 551 5th

Ave., New York, NY. 10017

AMERICAN BABY- American Baby Inc., 10 E. 52nd St., New York, NY.


WASHINGTON WILDLIFE- Washington State Game Dept., 600 N. Capitol

Way, Olympia, WA. 98501

SCHOOL PRODUCT NEWS- J. Arlen Marsh, School product News, 614

Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH. 44113

EUROPEAN COMMUNITY- Kathleen Lynch, Europeen Community

information Sce., 2100 Main St., Washington, DC. 20037

BETTER HEARING- Better Hearing, Suite 2807 Graybar Bldg., 420

Lexington Ave., New York, NY. 10017

DOG OWNERS DIGEST- William Cooper & Nephews, Inc., 1909-25

Clifton Ave., Chicago, IL. 60614

LAWN CARE- Scoots, Marysville, OH. 43040

SCIENCE DIMENSION- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa,

KIA OR6, Canada

OUR SUN- Charles E Petty, sun Oil Co., Corporate Public

Relations, 1608 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION- Mary A. Murray, McGraw-Hil Co., 330

W 42nd St., New York, NY 10036

THE COMPASS- Marine Office, Appleton & cox Corp., 123 William

St., New york, NY. 10036

DATA PROCESSOR- Data Processing Div., IBM, 1133 Westchester Ave.,

White Plains, NY 10604

RURAL ADVANCE- Rural advancement Fund of the National

Sharecroppers Fund, 112 E. 19th St., New York, NY. 10003

CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE- Agricultural Publications University of

California, Berkeley, CA 94720


St. NW, Washington, D.C. 2006

BETTER TOMORROWS- Utah Division of Aging, 345 S 6th St., Salt

Lake City, UT. 84102

CREATIVE IDEAS IN GLASS- ASG Industries Inc., Box 929, Kinsport,

TN. 37662

SCHOOLHOUSE- Educational Facilities Laboratories, 477 Madison

Ave., New York, NY. 10022

INDUSTRIAL GERONTOLOGY- Irma R. Withers, National Council of the

Aging, 1828 L St. NW, Washington, DC. 20036

PAKISTAN AFFAIRS- Embassy of Pakistan, 2315 Massachusetts Ave.,

NW, Washington, DC. 20008

MISSISSIPPI MAGIC- Jean B. May, Mississippi Agricultural &

Industrial Board, Box 849, Jackson, MS. 39205

I.H FARM FORUM MAGAZINE- Mr. David Percy, international

Harvester, 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL. 60611

NOISE MESUREMENT- General Radio Co., 300 Baker Ave. W, Concord,

MA. 01742

PETROLEUM TODAY- American Petroleum Institute, 1801 k St., NW,

Washington, DC. 20006

BINDING TIES- Black Women's Community Development Foundation,

1029 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC. 20036

BSCS NEWSLETTER- The Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, Box

930, Boulder, CO. 80302

MONETARY TRENDA- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Box 442, St

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